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Category: Training



By Steven Daun, National Chief Pilot There are 609,000 pilots in the United States. Of those, roughly 80% are “general aviation” pilots. The population of the United States is 327,000,000. When you do the math, you see that pilot’s makeup .19% of the U.S. Population. This means that pilots
Over our 80-year history, we have become known as the ‘Finish-Up Experts’. That’s not a surprise to us, as we have always, and will always continue to cater to the individual looking to complete their private, commercial or instructor license and/or instrument rating. What is a surprise is that
Flying is fun, it’s exciting, it’s rewarding, it’s something you look forward to doing on the path to become a commercial pilot. However, most will tell you that the obligatory FAA knowledge tests are none of these things. They are merely the unpleasant somethings we have to do in
By Tim Genc Here’s a question: How many hours in a training device or simulator can you use in a private pilot license program or airline academy? This seems like a pretty straight-forward and simple question, right? Well, let’s see… According to the FARs and associated Advisory Circulars, and
By: Steven Daun, National Chief Pilot If you have had the opportunity to take an FAA checkride in the last year or two, you have probably noticed the emphasis placed on scenario-based questions. The new Airmen Certification Standards (ACS) now require that certain tasks, such as operating as PIC,
American Flyers has been training and supporting pilots since 1939. Throughout this time, we have trained more instrument pilots than anyone else in the industry. Many years ago, American Flyers condensed this knowledge and experience and published a “how to” guide for instrument pilots. This manual is called “Single
By: Steven Daun, National Chief Pilot Weather is usually the weakest subject area that we fund when speaking with pilots. This is regardless of certificate or rating(s) held. The weather seems to be one of those areas that is treated differently than the other topics that we discuss. Why?
By Andrew Henley In the fall of 2012, American Flyers and Nova Southeastern University (NSU) began offering a Bachelor of Science degree in Human Services Administration with a concentration in Human Factors in Aviation. The program is a direct result of the combined efforts of American Flyers and Nova
You’re in a solid IMC on the last hour of what has been a five-hour IFR flight. The weather is poor, it’s cold and bumpy and you have a couple of passengers with you who are getting nervous. Suddenly, one of your annunciator lights come on, indicating that there
By Tim Genc Someone asked me, “How can I get the most out of my 141 flight program?” My initial response was, “Do you know what the difference between 141 and 61 is?” And before they could answer, I proclaimed, “It’s 80.” (Think about it… a difference is a
By Time Genc A while back, after my certified flight instructor course, I took a motorcycle safety course and it was one of the most unique motorcycle courses I have taken thus far: it was all about how to lay down a motorcycle. That’s right, it was two days
By Andrew Henley Editor’s Note: In this month’s column, Andrew explores the Private Pilot portion of the Career Academy. More information on the career training programs offered by American Flyers can be found by going to  On the quest to become a commercial pilot, there are many segments.