American Flyers | FAQs

American Flyers

American Flyers|FAQs
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      American Flyers|FAQs
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American Flyers has been training pilots since 1939. Technology changes over time, but the basic foundation of flying skills has remained unchanged. We have proven this over and over in the last 85 years. We have trained more pilots than any other school in the world.
Our basic formula is straightforward. We introduce new topics on the ground, practice them in the simulator, and demonstrate them in the airplane. Aviation is built on a set of skills. The first set of skills that you will learn is how to control the airplane by reference to the outside horizon. This is similar to what you do every day when you drive your car. It is a matter of learning what the “normal” sight picture looks like and responding when it changes. The next set of skills is to learn how to get the airplane to do what you want it to do. We do this by flying various patterns over the ground. These are commonly called “ground reference maneuvers.” Once you understand how to fly the airplane safely, we then begin working on navigation skills. You will learn how to navigate using ground references as well as navigation equipment contained in the airplane. The last step in the training process is to bring all of your newfound skills together. This prepares you to fly alone in the airplane on your solo flights and to prepare for your checkride. When you pass your checkride, you will receive your pilot certificate.
Just like the airlines, we use a combination of simulators and airplanes. In addition to our flight simulators, American Flyers also uses the newest generations of Cessna 172 and Piper Pilot 100i for all single-engine flight training. Both aircraft types offer state-of-the-art avionics and systems. Many of our students find these aircraft to be an excellent transition into their own airplanes.
Just like most things in life, becoming a safe pilot begins with the right attitude. The right attitude means understanding and agreeing that our training processes and procedures are in place for your safety, education, and benefit; that there are no shortcuts in flight training; and most importantly, understand that it is much easier if you learn subjects correctly the first time and in a logical order of progression. Doing this will ensure that you have one of the most exciting and fun experiences of your lifetime.
One of the biggest missteps that many people make when considering flight training is asking about an hourly rate. Face it; we live in a society where we are always looking for a cheaper option. What good is a cheap hourly rate if it takes you twice as long to achieve your objective? Besides the money, you must think about the quality of education as well. This is especially so if you are going to be flying with your friends and family. You should also consider that approximately 20% of our students started elsewhere because they perceived it to be cheaper. They come to us to help get their courses back on track and finish up. You also need to know what is included in the hourly rate. A good hourly rate will include hull and liability insurance, a well maintained airplane, a structured flight training program, fuel, and a well qualified instructor. American Flyers does not approach our courses from an hourly rate perspective. We consider first, did you receive the expected quality of education? And second, was your course cost reasonable for the education you received?