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Category: Flying



Thousands of pilots and aviation enthusiasts gathered in Oshkosh, Wisconsin, to witness the spectacle of high-flying acrobatics and cutting-edge aircraft technology. Before the air show began, pilots and air traffic controllers geared up to provide a seamless and safe experience for all attendees. If you’re not aware, the number
Tell us a little about yourself. My name is Aaron Connor, and I am a fire captain, husband, and father of two. I began my career as a volunteer with Klein Fire Department in 1998. While there, I held many ranks, from captain to district chief, and I was
Tell us a little about yourself. My name is Jessica Mubarak. I’m from South Brunswick, NJ, and I am a full-time American Flyers student. I also work at a restaurant as well! How did you get into flying? Well, as a kid I would travel a lot, and I
Christian Manicki was born in Albuquerque, New Mexico, but he was mainly raised in Fountain Hills, Arizona. From there, he moved to Honolulu, Hawaii, to attend the University of Hawaii at Manoa. He currently resides in Houston, Texas, where he is a part of the administrative sponsorship program. Growing
By Mike Forth The holiday season is just around the corner, and it can be one of the best times of the year to fly. Round up your family and friends, jump into an airplane, and you’re off on an adventure during the most joyous time of the year. 
By Steven Daun, National Chief Pilot I guess you can say I am a little biased, but who wouldn’t want to work in aviation? Yet most people seem to think that if they aren’t cut out for being a pilot, and they don’t want to be a flight attendant
By Steven Daun, National Chief Pilot Have you ever had that feeling? The one that catches you off guard on a clear day, when the sky seems endless and you watch a hawk soar or a passing plane draw lazy contrails in a sea of blue? When you can’t
Steven Daun, National Chief Pilot An aviation career requires a substantial investment. While some trainees are able to pay for their training with savings, and some can obtain a career loan, there are those for whom the financial burden of flight training stands in the way of their career
We get it. You are a successful professional and don’t have the time to finish getting your pilot certificate. If you are like the several thousand other students we have, you probably work late during the week and spend your weekends either working or with your family. You couldn’t
I have never met anyone who started learning a new skill with the goal of being mediocre. Usually, when people learn new skills, they are “all in.” That is, they want to learn anything and everything about their newfound skill.   Aviation is no different. People have been getting the
Did you know that piston aircraft engines are only able to convert approximately one-third of the fuel’s energy into useful power? You can think of heat as being the wasted energy of an inefficient engine. If an engine were using 100 percent of the energy contained in the fuel
Fall is my favorite time of the year. From the leaves changing color to the crispness in the air, fall provides wonderful opportunities for those who want to take advantage of all that autumn has to offer. For pilots, it is an amazing opportunity to catch a glimpse of