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Featured Student: Jessica Mubarak

Featured Student: Jessica Mubarak

Tell us a little about yourself.

My name is Jessica Mubarak. I’m from South Brunswick, NJ, and I am a full-time American Flyers student. I also work at a restaurant as well!

How did you get into flying?

Well, as a kid I would travel a lot, and I was also fascinated with planes. They were always my favorite part of the trip.

Tell us how you went about choosing a flight school.

I wanted a flight school with a high reputation and a clear career path. I also wanted a flight school with clear instructions on how to enroll in their program. The American Flyers website was very strong in that regard.

What made you choose American Flyers?

I was drawn to American Flyers by the opportunity to do a fast-track program, as well as by the staff and environment I encountered when I came to American Flyers.

How much outside studying did you have to put in during your time with AF?

Every day I study at least two hours!

What is your most memorable moment at American Flyers?

The cross-country solo was my most memorable moment. It was an awesome experience landing at a different airport and navigating myself back to our home airport all on my own.

Looking back, what advice would you give someone interested in starting pilot training?

One piece of advice: do not give up if you hit a bump! You are going to work through it. Pilots have bad days all the time, they just work through them.

What’s next for you?

Right now, I am working on accomplishing my instrument and commercial certificates. I am super excited.

If you could fly anywhere, go to any flying destination, where would it be?

If I could fly anywhere, I would choose to fly to Hawaii. I think that would be an amazing area to fly around in.