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Category: Student Interview



Tell us a little about yourself?My name is Chris Colon and I am a newly licensed private pilot with American Flyers! I served four years in the United States Marine Corps and have had jobs from field artillery to motorcycle sales. How did you get into flying?After making a
American Flyers: Tell us a little about yourself? Ryan Yawger: Hello my name is Ryan. I’m very into sports, both playing and watching them. I’m hoping a NY sports team will start winning, and currently, I am working as a pizza delivery driver. AF: How did you get into
American Flyers: Tell us a little about yourself? Jack Frye: My Name is Jack Frye. I am currently 21 years old and I got into flying when I was 17. I run a software development company and attend Eastern Michigan University. I am working towards a bachelor of science
American Flyers: Why don’t you tell us a little about yourself? Lilia Hameed: I am a triple minority and a first-generation U.S citizen! My mom is from Mexico and my dad is from Iraq. That makes me half Hispanic, half Middle Eastern, and a woman in the aviation community.
Pilot’s Digest: Why did you choose American Flyers for your CFI training?   Skyler Hudson: I chose American Flyers for my CFI training because I have worked with them through my private, instrument, and commercial. American Flyers has a strong reputation for developing competent professional aviators. When choosing a
Scott Filline received his instrument rating in 1972 at American Flyers DuPage. Pilot’s Digest: What got you interested in aviation?Scott Filline: I was surrounded by pilots. My father was a private pilot and owned a Cessna 172 with 2 men that he worked with at Sears. My best friend
Pilot’s Digest: Why don’t you tell us a little about yourself? Palmer Currie: I was born and raised in Houston and grew up about 15 minutes from David Wayne Hooks Airport. Before I started training full time, I managed a GNC store. My mom owns a valet company and
Pilot’s Digest: Tell us a little about yourself. Kyle Hoban: I was born and raised in a town just outside of Chicago, Illinois for 18 years of my life. I moved out to Dallas, Texas just after I graduated high school with my mom and dad. PD: How did
Pilot’s Digest: Tell us a little about yourself. Jorge Rodarte-Cruz: My name is Jorge Rodarte-Cruz. I’m a Dallas local and I’ve been doing flight training with American Flyers since May 2019. PD: How did you get into flying? JR: My father is a corporate pilot, so I have luckily
BY AMERICAN FLYERS Pilot’s Digest: Tell us a little about yourself. Megan Triscari: I am 28 years old and I am currently a Flight Attendant for Delta Airlines. I grew up here in South Florida and am a proud FSU grad: Go Noles! I love all things nature, dogs
Pilot’s Digest: Tell us a little about yourself? Deepak Sehgal: My name is Deepak Sehgal and I am an American citizen of Indian descent, currently working part-time for the Executive Transport Group in the luxury transport service business, working toward achieving my goal of becoming an airline transport pilot.
Pilot’s Digest: Tell us a little about yourself? Alyssa Silva: I’m 29 years old, and from Massachusetts. I’m currently a full-time student at the American Flyers in Scottsdale, AZ. Prior to flight training, I was an Inflight Team Leader (Flight Attendant Supervisor). PD: How did you get into flying?