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Featured Student: Ryan Yawger

Featured Student: Ryan Yawger

American Flyers: Tell us a little about yourself?

Ryan Yawger: Hello my name is Ryan. I’m very into sports, both playing and watching them. I’m hoping a NY sports team will start winning, and currently, I am working as a pizza delivery driver.

AF: How did you get into flying?

Ryan: I have been around aviation my whole life as my mother is a flight attendant. Sully has always been my favorite movie and I always knew that flying was something I wanted to do as a career.

AF: Tell us how you went about choosing a flight school?

Ryan: I found American Flyers by looking up different flight schools online. I saw very good reviews about American Flyers and it was also recommended to me by a friend of mine.

AF: What made you choose American Flyers?

Ryan: I knew I wanted a well-kept flight school that was also a 141 school. So the decision was easy as they had everything I was looking for.

AF: How much outside studying do you have to put in during your time with American Flyers?

Ryan: I would come in an hour before my lesson and normally stay an hour after. I spent that extra time studying and internalizing the knowledge needed to be a successful pilot. I like to be around the school to stay in the aviation mindset. The environment is great for learning.

AF: What is your most memorable moment at American Flyers?

Ryan: My most memorable moment was definitely my first solo!

AF: Looking back, what advice would you give someone interested in starting pilot training?

Ryan: Come to American Flyers!

AF: What’s next for you?

Ryan: I just passed my commercial check ride today. Next, I plan to join the CFI academy and hopefully instruct for American Flyers. Ultimately, I’d like to work for an airline.

AF: Finally, if you could fly anywhere, go to any flying destination, where would it be?

Ryan: My dream flight would be to fly down to Miami and fly along the coast the whole way. I think that would be an amazing flight.