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Thomas Richards – CFI at Scottsdale, AZ (SDL) My favorite part of working for American Flyers is the staff because everyone is so supportive and friendly. I love training new pilots and being a part of their journey to achieving their goals. Seeing their satisfaction once they’ve accomplished a
TELL US A LITTLE ABOUT YOURSELF. I was born and raised in Indiana, but at 16 years old, I moved to Virginia, where I later attended Virginia Commonwealth University. I worked my way up in the roofing business as a sales agent for a business partner back home in
PATTI DECOTE HAS BEEN AN INVALUABLE MEMBER OF THE AMERICAN FLYERS TEAM for the past three years. Serving as the Student Services Coordinator at the Addison, Texas South location, Patti’s commitment to the success and well-being of students and fellow employees is truly commendable. After taking a year off
Records show that methods to tell the future, like a crystal ball, have been used as far back as the 1st century. The 20th century is certainly much farther along in history regarding science, technology, education, and knowledge than the 1st century. Edwin Link made the first “flight simulator”
As children, many of us found ourselves regularly amazed and captivated by the clouds’ ever-changing shapes. I have had a lifelong fascination with clouds, and I could not wait to fly through them when I first began flying. This allure only grew when I opened an airplane window to
I was recently asked what I read to stay updated on the aviation industry. Since I am constantly reading and studying information covering all aspects of our industry, this was a challenging question to answer. I read anything and everything that I can find about our industry because, as
Even in the early days of aviation, the reduction of pilot workload was identified as an important path to increasing safety. As a result, the first autopilot was released in 1912 by the Sperry Corporation, just nine years after the Wright brothers’ first flight. While this 75-pound contraption would
HE WHO SWEATS MORE IN TRAINING BLEEDS LESS IN BATTLE. – GENERAL GEORGE S. PATTON This quote always struck me as the sole justification for training hard. When I started to fly, I realized it was as significant to pilots as to soldiers. You can’t train for everything, but
Luke Byerly – CFI at Scottsdale, AZ (SDL) My favorite part of American Flyers is how friendly and supportive everyone is. No matter the problem, I can always count on someone on the team to help, and if any issues arise, everyone works together to fix the problem. I
Tell us a little about yourself. My name is Taylor Brooks. I am a 22-year-old Southwest Airlines flight attendant and instrument-rated pilot. I currently attend American Flyers out of Conroe. How did you get into flying? I got into the world of aviation because of my family. I am
Staying on course and not giving up on your dreams during flight training is a challenging endeavor that requires determination, passion, and unwavering commitment. As Winston Churchill famously said, “Never give in, never, never, never, never—in nothing, great or small, large or petty — never give in except to
LOGAN THRAILKILL JOINED AMERICAN FLYERS IN JULY 2022 as an instructor at our Addison, TX – North location after completing his pilot training and obtaining his certifications from the American Flyers Pompano Beach, Florida location. Originally from Houston, Texas, Logan lived in various parts of the country before kickstarting