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American Flyers Spotlight: Featured Instructors May 2024

American Flyers Spotlight: Featured Instructors May 2024

Luke Byerly – CFI at Scottsdale, AZ (SDL)

My favorite part of American Flyers is how friendly and supportive everyone is. No matter the problem, I can always count on someone on the team to help, and if any issues arise, everyone works together to fix the problem. I love training new pilots because it’s amazing to get to know people who share a common goal and can also relate to the challenges that come with this goal. It’s awesome to see how each student learns and processes new information. I’m currently working on my commercial multi-rating.

Bobby Guerra – CFI at Morristown, NJ (MMU)

My favorite part of training new pilots is being able to see them have a breakthrough with a topic or concept they were initially struggling with. I love working at American Flyers because of my coworkers. The people I work with turn a sometimes difficult job into something really enjoyable. My main goal in aviation is to eventually work for an airline.

Ty Stoutmeyer – CFI at Addison, TX North (ADS)

My favorite part of working for American Flyers is the group I work with every day. The people at American Flyers are great, and I thoroughly enjoy being a part of this amazing team. I love training new pilots because watching them progress and develop their skills to a confident level is incredibly satisfying and rewarding. My goal in aviation is to one day fly international routes for a major carrier.

Bryce Wuebbeling – CFI at Addison, TX South (ADS-S)

My favorite part of working for American Flyers is the supportive staff and amazing students that make it a rewarding experience. My passion for aviation lies in helping aspiring pilots achieve their dreams, and I hope to one day establish my own flight school and transition to piloting private jets like the Gulfstream G550 or the Pilatus PC-24. The most rewarding part of training new pilots is seeing their excitement and success unfold. It’s incredibly fulfilling to know that, thanks to them, I’m becoming a more competent instructor every day.

Claire Kricfalusi – CFI at Houston, TX (CXO)

My current goal in aviation is to one day work for a major airline. My favorite part about being an instructor is watching students relive the same goals and accomplishments I did back when I was a student at American Flyers. I love working for American Flyers because every day is an exciting challenge where I learn new aviation-related things. I learn so much from every student, allowing me to become a more well-rounded pilot every day. 

Antonio Gutierrez – CFI at Pompano Beach, FL (PMP)

My goal in aviation is to pursue a career in Professional Aviation. My favorite part of working here is the quality of people who work beside me. The team at American Flyers creates a fun, productive environment that can’t be found anywhere else. I enjoy training new pilots and providing students with an experience they’ll remember for a lifetime. Enabling students to pursue their passions and dreams is a privilege, and it’s amazing knowing I play an instrumental role in their success.