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By Chris Webb Editor’s Note: Ah, the elusive perfect landing. We have all been there, right? Nice stable approach, airspeed and altitude nailed, no wind and we are lined up with the numbers as precisely as can be. 50 feet, 20 feet, 10 feet, the swish. A small gust
By Rick Farmer It’s February and you just took off from an airport in northern Illinois. Cruising along at 7,500 feet, you start to feel a little nip in the air. You reach over to turn on the cabin heater and presto, both you and your passengers are nice
Every month at 3 of our locations— Morristown, New Jersey; Addison, Texas; and Pompano Beach, Florida—groups of students gather together to help each other become Certified Flight Instructors (CFI’s).  We call this our very own CFI Academy. We offer a 15-day CFI-A Academy (only in Morristown) and 30-day combined
American Flyers’ academies are based upon group-centered learning. Each course is made up of a group of students that all have one major thing in common: their love for flying. Students are often taught together in the classroom, providing them with the opportunity of studying together and helping each
By Steven Daun, National Chief Pilot Airworthy… We hear the term every day in aviation, but what does it really mean to pilots? Who is responsible for determining if an aircraft is airworthy? How do we determine if an aircraft is airworthy? An aircraft that is “flyable” is not
By Steven Daun, National Chief Pilot There are 609,000 pilots in the United States. Of those, roughly 80% are “general aviation” pilots. The population of the United States is 327,000,000. When you do the math, you see that pilot’s makeup .19% of the U.S. Population. This means that pilots
By Steven Daun, National Chief Pilot Winter is here and with it comes significant variation in the weather. It is important to note that when we discuss “winter weather” we are not just speaking about it being cold outside. Winter weather encompasses many different topics. For this article, we
By Steven Daun, National Chief Pilot The majority of a pilot’s flight training is during daytime in VFR conditions. Instructors do this for several obvious reasons, which we aren’t going to discuss in this article. For most students, the excitement comes when they are getting close to doing their
Flying is a lifestyle, it’s a mindset. It’s not just your exciting hobby, it’s an exciting hobby that can be enjoyed together with a significant other and can be used to go to fun places. So many years ago, my dad bought all of us kids a snowmobile… and
Over our 80-year history, we have become known as the ‘Finish-Up Experts’. That’s not a surprise to us, as we have always, and will always continue to cater to the individual looking to complete their private, commercial or instructor license and/or instrument rating. What is a surprise is that
Pilot’s Digest: Tell us a little about yourself? Gustavia Cartwright: I’m Gustavia Cartwright but I have gone by the name Gus my whole life. I just recently finished flight training and am now working as a Flight Instructor. Three fun facts about me: I design and sew/make women’s clothing
Kat Grossert has been an indispensable part of American Flyers since 2002. She is a graduate of the American Flyers’ CFI Academy in Pompano Beach, Florida. As a student in the Academy, Kat was recognized for her warm heart, knowledge and enthusiasm for aviation. For those reasons, and many,