American Flyers

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Sean Heath first got the “aviation bug” when he saw an advertisement on Facebook for an introductory flight back when he lived in California. He thought, “This will be an awesome adventure! I’ll fly over the beach and take control of an airplane. How cool will that be?” Little
Editor’s Note: Ah, the elusive perfect landing. We have all been there, right? Nice stable approach, airspeed and altitude nailed, no wind, and we are lined up with the numbers as precisely as can be. Fifty feet, twenty feet, ten feet, the swish. A small gust of wind pushes
“Those who can, do; those who can’t, teach.” You’re probably familiar with this quote, from George Bernard Shaw’s 1905 stage play Man and Superman, which is often misquoted and directed at educators. As a flight instructor, we must do and teach. What we must do is develop and demonstrate
For those of you who play the board game Monopoly, you know what the “get out of jail free” card is all about. It gives you a second chance to continue playing the game without a fine. There is a similar concept in aviation under the Aviation Safety Reporting
Do you want to know a secret? There are a lot of pilot jobs available right now. I know you’re probably thinking, “No kidding. Tell me something that I don’t know.” Okay, I will. The prime jobs aren’t where you think they are. Did that get your attention? That’s
In 1965, the FAA created the Flight Instructor Refresher Program. This program was created to form a standardization process for updating CFIs. The FAA instructors provided this education until 1977. Since then, it’s been provided through FAA approved industry courses, which allow flight instructors to renew their certificates through
Tell us a little about yourself. My name is Aaron Connor, and I am a fire captain, husband, and father of two. I began my career as a volunteer with Klein Fire Department in 1998. While there, I held many ranks, from captain to district chief, and I was
You’ve heard me say this many times before, but there has never been a better time to start your flight training! If you’ve been thinking about starting, don’t procrastinate. Here is a short list of why you should start right now: Airlines are hiring. Beginning in 2020, with the
Over the years, American Flyers has dedicated issues to employees who have truly inspired those around them to be better. When I speak to others in the flight industry, I am often struck by the incredible talent and rare individuals who have worked for American Flyers over the years.
Tell us a little about yourself. My name is Jessica Mubarak. I’m from South Brunswick, NJ, and I am a full-time American Flyers student. I also work at a restaurant as well! How did you get into flying? Well, as a kid I would travel a lot, and I
The FAA currently shows 617,000 pilots in their registry. That means that less than 1 percent of the US population are pilots. Of those, approximately 159,000 hold airline transport pilot certificates. And of those, approximately 110,000 are actively flying for airlines. There are differing opinions on whether the industry
At American Flyers, we don’t sell fuel and we don’t charter or rent our airplanes. When asked why we don’t rent our airplanes to the public, the answer is simple: we want to ensure our students have access to our airplanes whenever they need them. Our priority is flight