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By: Steven Daun, National Chief Pilot You’ve dreamed about flying since you were a child. You’re finally in a position in your life where this dream is about to become a reality. All your friends and family know that you are training to become a pilot. There is only
By: Steven Daun, National Chief Pilot Last year around this time, as it happens every year, we read about the airlines canceling flights in Phoenix, Arizona. The public is still amazed each year as the headlines read 119° F and these marvelous multi-million dollar jets are reduced to nothing
By: Andrew Henley Kenneth Mathews has been the manager of our Houston school, located at David Wayne Hooks Airport (DWH) in Spring, Texas, for 3 and a half years. Kenneth is a native of Louisiana and a graduate from Louisiana Tech, where he majored in Aviation Management, in 2006.
By: American Flyers Pilot’s Digest: Tell us a little bit about yourself: Maria Jose Fernandez: I am from Mexico, and my father is a pilot as well as my uncle. Ever since I was five years old, my father used to take me on his flights all over the
By: Steven Daun, National Chief Pilot It has been about 30 years since I last rode a motorcycle. When I moved from NY to FL in the 80’s I never brought my endorsement over to my new license. My son just turned 18 and is soon off to college.
By: Dick Hyslop, Retired American Airlines Pilot In the April edition of Flying Digest, National Chief Pilot Steven Daun presented an excellent discussion about stalls in a Cessna 172. Question; Do airline pilots have to be concerned about stalls? Absolutely! Since stalls are an AOA (angle of attack) issue,
By: Steven Daun, National Chief Pilot Flying is one of those endeavors in which nobody can know everything. My advice to those who think they know all they need to know about flying is to stop flying, or for your sake and that of your passengers, please keep reading.
  By: Steven Daun, National Chief Pilot In over 35 years of flying, I have never met anyone who said they like taking a written test. There are two philosophies about how to prepare for the FAA Knowledge Exam. One group says you just need to memorize the answers
Once a year American Flyers’ managers, Chief Pilots and many national staff members gather together in Dallas, Texas, for a few days of comradery, education and recognition of key employees who have made a huge difference to American Flyers over the past year. We were able to honor Sharon
By: Richard Hyslop – Retired AA Captain   Is your runway long enough? This is the million dollar question, which has a complicated answer. Remember that Airlines are in the business of moving people from one place to another. Our customers choose their city of residence or destination by
Pilot’s Digest: Tell us a little about yourself. Robert Orozco: After high school I joined the Air Force at 17 years old with my parent’s consent. I met my very supportive wife at my first duty station. We started our small family a few years later. During that time,
By: Mike Forth Spring has sprung! You know what that means. It’s time to get back in your favorite airplane, take the family and friends out, show them the local sights or plan that long-awaited vacation.  It’s a chance to remind everyone that you belong to a rare group