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Chapter 2 of the “Single Pilot In the IFR Environment” reviews how an IFR clearance is picked up in different situations, such as a controlled field vs an uncontrolled field and what our options are. We also discuss Flight Planning, IFR Currency as well as PIC responsibilities. FLIGHT PLANNING
By Jill Cole, President of American Flyers The aviation industry is to this day still dominated by males. We often only seem to hear about the great accomplishments of men in the field. However, there are quite a few women who are responsible for turning aviation into what we
By Steven Daun, National Chief Pilot We see many students come through our doors each year to earn their Private Pilot Certificate and the majority of them continue on to earn their Instrument Rating. However, when we speak with people who received their Private Pilot Certificates years ago or
By Steven Daun, National Chief Pilot At one time or another, we have all reached the point where our mind starts playing tricks on us. It usually happens when we are fatigued and either flying at night or single-pilot IFR. You notice something or hear something unusual. You start to
Flying is fun, it’s exciting, it’s rewarding, it’s something you look forward to doing on the path to become a commercial pilot. However, most will tell you that the obligatory FAA knowledge tests are none of these things. They are merely the unpleasant somethings we have to do in
By Jay Elder At the orientation during the first day of the American Flyers CFI Academy, we stress the importance of many things. One of those that is important as you transition to your flight instructor ratings is learning a new “mindset”. For most of us, prior to our
By Steven Daun, National Chief Pilot In over 30 years of being involved in the flight training industry, it amazes me that people still equate certain schools with certain airlines. Whenever I hear this, my first question to them is “how do you know which airline you are going
By Tim Genc Here’s a question: How many hours in a training device or simulator can you use in a private pilot license program or airline academy? This seems like a pretty straight-forward and simple question, right? Well, let’s see… According to the FARs and associated Advisory Circulars, and
By Andrew Henley, Vice President Since 1911, March 8th has been marked as a day to recognize women in aviation. Although it’s only October, I felt it was exceptionally important to dedicate this issue of the Pilot’s Digest to the women who have dedicated their lives to the aviation community.
How Do You Know When A Health Scare Affects Your Medical? “Houston, we have a cold…” On the journey to finding the answer to how to become a commercial pilot, there are many hurdles that some wouldn’t think of. We’re all human beings (demographics show that our vampire readership
American Flyers is thrilled to be celebrating over 80 Years of being the leading school for flight training. “A lot has changed since our founding in 1939, as we have shifted and transitioned with aviation needs, but one thing has remained constant: we continue to provide the American Flyers
By: Steven Daun, National Chief Pilot If you have had the opportunity to take an FAA checkride in the last year or two, you have probably noticed the emphasis placed on scenario-based questions. The new Airmen Certification Standards (ACS) now require that certain tasks, such as operating as PIC,