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Category: Learn to Fly



By Chris Webb Here are a few of the questions I get in and out of airline academy. What does it mean to ‘preflight an aircraft?’ When should it be done and who should do it? It is very easy to just follow the checklist. After all, that is
By Mike Bliss Although much attention has been given in the last few years to the topic of runway incursions by those in and out of commercial pilot programs, it continues to be a problem, one that can potentially have very serious consequences. The key to avoiding such incursions
By: Stephen Daun Much of our country experienced hotter than normal temperatures this summer. Because of this, many pilots had to adjust the way that they flew to deal with the higher temperatures and higher density altitudes. Now it’s is time to prepare for our annual mindset shift from summer
By: Steven Daun, National Chief Pilot You’ve dreamed about flying since you were a child. You’re finally in a position in your life where this dream is about to become a reality. All your friends and family know that you are training to become a pilot. There is only
  By: Steven Daun, National Chief Pilot In over 35 years of flying, I have never met anyone who said they like taking a written test. There are two philosophies about how to prepare for the FAA Knowledge Exam. One group says you just need to memorize the answers
By: Richard Hyslop – Retired AA Captain   Is your runway long enough? This is the million dollar question, which has a complicated answer. Remember that Airlines are in the business of moving people from one place to another. Our customers choose their city of residence or destination by
A Discussion on Temperature By Steven Daun, National Chief Pilot Winter is here and with it comes significant variation in the weather. It is important to note that when we discuss “winter weather” we are not just speaking about it being cold outside. Winter weather encompasses many different topics. For
By: Steven Daun, National Chief Pilot There is a famous saying that “if you don’t make mistakes you don’t learn.” Whoever wrote that must have been a flight instructor. As flight instructors, we want our students to make mistakes while they are flying with us, so they don’t make them
Several years back, I went to renew my driver’s license. When I got to the front of the line, I was informed that because I had received a few speeding tickets that year I would have to retake the Driver’s Ed written exam. I got through it and lived