American Flyers

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Category: Instrument


American Flyers | Constant Evolution of Aviation Technology
As a pilot, the evolution of aviation technology has undoubtedly changed the landscape of flying in the past 20 years. The advancements in avionics, the introduction of apps like Foreflight, and the development of Garmin’s innovative technology have all revolutionized how pilots navigate, communicate, and operate aircraft. These technologies
Don't Let Glass Be Your Crutch
Glass Cockpits first entered service with the military in the late 60s and early 70s. These consisted of a multi-function display in the F-111. By the late 70s and early 80s, NASA primarily used electronic flight displays on many platforms to enhance situational awareness. By the 1990s, LCD panels
American Flyers | The Instrument Proficiency Check
By Steven Daun, National Chief Pilot Unlike the Flight Review, the Instrument Proficiency Check (IPC) is only required if a pilot’s instrument currency lapses—there is no regularly recurring requirement for an IPC. As long as instrument-rated pilots accomplish the approach currency requirements of 14 CFR 61.57, they may never