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Month: February 2019



By Rick Farmer As we transition from the cold, snowy winters to the sweltering summer heat that most of the country is experiencing this year, apart of answering the question, “how to become a commercial pilot”, you should know that our air-cooled heat-producing power plants are feeling it as
By Mike Bliss Although much attention has been given in the last few years to the topic of runway incursions by those in and out of commercial pilot programs, it continues to be a problem, one that can potentially have very serious consequences. The key to avoiding such incursions
I was about 17 years old when I began my search for a flight school to help me achieve my goal of becoming a professional pilot. Like many young, aspiring pilots, I started my journey with the help of my father, but we really had no idea what a
By Chris Webb So it’s been awhile? For most who’ve completed CFIA, CFII academy, or have a history of flying, we’ll rationalize this question with, “It’s like riding a bike.” “It’ll come back to you” “Your muscles will remember what to do.” These phrases are all fine and dandy,
Over 30 years ago, American Flyers made the decision to create and conduct a 30-Day CFI academy aimed at not only prepping students to become the best flight instructors in the industry, but also creating a pool of highly qualified future employees from which we could staff our locations.
By Chris Webb You have already asked the question, “what does it take to be a commercial pilot?” You have already decided that walking on this planet isn’t enough. You want to rise above the Earth and “…dance the skies on laughter-silvered wings.” Well, there is a little planning
As we have moved into the start of the new year, I can’t help but appreciate last year. 2018 was filled with a lot of great accomplishments for American Flyers as well as some noteworthy advancements in the industry. But while 2018 was a great year, we have to