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Month: September 2018



By: Rick Farmer Every fuel injection system made today requires that a calibrated device be used to accurately deliver a precise amount of fuel to each cylinder at the exact instant fuel is needed for combustion. Automobiles accomplish this by use of computers and modern electronics, but did you know
By: Andrew Henley In aviation, there are many people behind the scenes that help schools like American Flyers reach their goals. We consider ourselves fortunate to have a great team of Instructors, Mechanics, Operations and Sales staff, as well as other team members not directly employed by American Flyers. One
By: Brad Morrison We are in a pretty incredible time in aviation right now. After years of slow hiring practices and low starting salaries, the airlines are faced with a choice — either find a way to hire more pilots, or be faced with having to park airplanes. Obviously, parking airplanes is
By: Mike Forth The holiday season is just around the corner and it can be one of the best times of the year to fly. Round up your family and friends, jump into an airplane and you’re off on an adventure during the most joyous time of the year.
Many of our readers have heard about the exciting changes within our industry from a career training standpoint. We are proud we’ve had the opportunity to impact the aviation world for nearly over 80 Years and we remain dedicated to being the leader in aviation education, shaping the flight training