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Month: May 2018



  By: Steven Daun, National Chief Pilot In over 35 years of flying, I have never met anyone who said they like taking a written test. There are two philosophies about how to prepare for the FAA Knowledge Exam. One group says you just need to memorize the answers
Once a year American Flyers’ managers, Chief Pilots and many national staff members gather together in Dallas, Texas, for a few days of comradery, education and recognition of key employees who have made a huge difference to American Flyers over the past year. We were able to honor Sharon
By: Richard Hyslop – Retired AA Captain   Is your runway long enough? This is the million dollar question, which has a complicated answer. Remember that Airlines are in the business of moving people from one place to another. Our customers choose their city of residence or destination by
American Airlines recently announced a first-of-its-kind program designed to help future aviators receive the training, financing and mentoring opportunities they need to fly for the world’s largest airline. American Flyers has been selected as a trusted partner and will be offering the American Airlines Cadet Academy Program at our
Pilot’s Digest: Tell us a little about yourself. Robert Orozco: After high school I joined the Air Force at 17 years old with my parent’s consent. I met my very supportive wife at my first duty station. We started our small family a few years later. During that time,