American Flyers

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Take the First Step and Finish What You Started
We get it. You are a successful professional and don’t have the time to finish getting your pilot certificate. If you are like the several thousand other students we have, you probably work late during the week and spend your weekends either working or with your family. You couldn’t
American Flyers | What Happens When Technology Fails?
Technology has changed the face of general aviation. Everything pilots had to do for themselves in the past, technology now does for you. It accurately tells you where you are, the airspace you are in, the nearest airports and how to get there, all the instrument approaches that apply
career in aviation
By Steven Daun, National Chief Pilot I guess you can say I am a little biased, but who wouldn’t want to work in aviation? Yet most people seem to think that if they aren’t cut out for being a pilot, and they don’t want to be a flight attendant
cold weather operations
With the hot weather disappearing in most parts of the country, pilots are thinking about the upcoming winter weather and the challenges that will affect how we plan and execute our flights. While cold weather and icing conditions quickly pop into the minds of most pilots when thinking about
Instrument Training
You don’t need to have accumulated hours of experience before embarking on your instrument training; in fact, you can start the day after your private pilot checkride. Almost 80% of our private pilot graduates come back to American Flyers for their Instrument Rating; they recognize the safety and the
Tips on Passing the FAA Written
You’ve dreamed about flying since you were knee-high to a grasshopper, and you’re finally in a position where this dream will become a reality. Your friends and family know you are training to become a pilot, but only one thing stands between you and your coveted certificate: the FAA
Miguel Angel Ojeda Sedano
Tell us a little about yourself? My name is Miguel, I´m 24 years old, and I’m from Guadalajara, Mexico. I have a bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering, but my greatest passion is aviation. I recently completed my training at American Flyers, and I’m excited to return home to contribute
American Flyers | Featured Staff Member: Josh Savage
JOSH SAVAGE IS ONE OF OUR MANAGERS AT OUR CONROE, TEXAS LOCATION. His fascinating background has shaped him into the dedicated and passionate individual he is today. Growing up in Little Elm, Texas, Josh attended Little Elm High School, where he made a name for himself as the varsity
Flying During The Holiday Season
THE HOLIDAY SEASON IS JUST AROUND THE CORNER, and it’s one of the best times to fly. Gather your family and friends, hop into an airplane, and set off on an adventure during the most joyous time of the year. Remember though, there’s more to flying during the holidays
American Flyers | Looking Back On This Year’s Flight Time
AS I REFLECT ON 2024, I AM AMAZED BY HOW QUICKLY TIME HAS PASSED. The days seem to fly by, making me wonder where the time has gone. It’s often said that as we grow older, time seems to speed up, and I find this especially true. While I
Blog Have You Ever Dreamt of Learning to Fly
Dreaming of being able to fly is as old as man himself. Who hasn’t watched birds soar gracefully across the sky, wondering what it would be like to do what they do and see what they see? Some have even strapped large balloons to lawn chairs to feel that