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Month: December 2018



By: Steven Daun, National Chief Pilot There are many different reasons why people become pilots, and likewise, there are many different reasons why pilots become flight instructors. There are few reasons why flight instructors don’t become instrument instructors, however, and that is mainly due to a lack of understanding.
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]This issue of our Pilot’s Digest is especially important to American Flyers as during the November and December months, many of us reflect on the past year. While considering what was important to write, I was struck by all the changes in our industry and how thankful we are
By: Mike Forth Congratulations! You got your PPL (private pilot license). Actually, it’s a certificate, not a license, but that’s a topic for a different discussion. The important thing is you got it! Now you can fly around in almost any single engine aircraft, take passengers and do all