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Month: August 2018



By: Steven Daun, National Chief Pilot You’ve dreamed about flying since you were a child. You’re finally in a position in your life where this dream is about to become a reality. All your friends and family know that you are training to become a pilot. There is only
By: Steven Daun, National Chief Pilot Last year around this time, as it happens every year, we read about the airlines canceling flights in Phoenix, Arizona. The public is still amazed each year as the headlines read 119° F and these marvelous multi-million dollar jets are reduced to nothing
By: Andrew Henley Kenneth Mathews has been the manager of our Houston school, located at David Wayne Hooks Airport (DWH) in Spring, Texas, for 3 and a half years. Kenneth is a native of Louisiana and a graduate from Louisiana Tech, where he majored in Aviation Management, in 2006.