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Month: February 2018



By Captain Richard Hyslop, American Airlines (retired) Have you ever listened to two airline pilots talking shop? They have a language and terms totally foreign to the public and most GA pilots. Terms like “EPR, TAT, V1, V2, Mach” have little meaning for the private pilot. With the hiring
By Butch Filline Looking back at my younger years, it’s hard to imagine a better time than my freshman year of college. A year earlier I had earned my pilot’s license just after graduating from high school. I was young, passionate about aviation and fairly certain I was going
Brianna Quinn – School Director at Scottsdale, AZ School By Andrew Henley Brianna’s love for aviation began while she was growing up in Louisiana and California. As a girl, Brianna would travel with her parents and remembers taking off and raising her arms in the air as if she
Pilot’s Digest: Ok, we have to ask, what inspired you to learn to fly at over 80 Years-old? Evan Spelfogel: Ever since I was 6 or 7 years old during WWII, I dreamt of flying P-40 War Hawks with the Flying Tigers in China or Hellcats over the Pacific
A Discussion on Temperature By Steven Daun, National Chief Pilot Winter is here and with it comes significant variation in the weather. It is important to note that when we discuss “winter weather” we are not just speaking about it being cold outside. Winter weather encompasses many different topics. For