American Flyers | American Flyers Spotlight: Featured Instructors November 2023

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American Flyers | American Flyers Spotlight: Featured Instructors November 2023
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      American Flyers | American Flyers Spotlight: Featured Instructors November 2023
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American Flyers Spotlight: Featured Instructors November 2023

American Flyers Spotlight: Featured Instructors November 2023

Name: Alex Cadena
CFI Location: Conroe, Houston, Texas

Every day feels like a learning opportunity, and I know I’ve learned a lot from my fellow instructors here at American Flyers. I enjoy meeting new pilots and putting myself in their shoes, which takes me back to when I was going through my own American Flyers training. My current goal in aviation is to take the same amazing training and knowledge that I received from my past instructors and provide it to other aviation enthusiasts. I’m always doing my best to grow my general aviation knowledge and soon I’ll be working on my multi-engine rating!

Name: Kevin Spencer
CFI Location:Morristown, NJ (MMU)

Working for American Flyers, the aircraft are awesome, the people are cool, and I have the best boss I’ve ever worked for. My favorite part of training new pilots is seeing students take the initiative and have the confidence to apply what they’ve learned without being told. I’m thinking about getting my advanced ground instructor and instrument ground instructor ratings next, and I would love to eventually work for the airlines.  

Name: Devin Ehret
CFI Location: Addison, TX – North

I’m currently working towards my ATP minimums, and my aviation goals are to fly for a defense contractor or for the government. As a CFI, the best part of working with new students is the first solo. It’s both an anxious and incredibly rewarding feeling for both the student and for me. American Flyers is a great environment for instructors. There are so many people from different backgrounds, and each person has tips and tricks for teaching, doing maneuvers, remembering difficult subjects, and anything else you can think of – which is very helpful as a new instructor.

Name: Koby Hansen
CFI Location: Scottsdale, AZ (SDL)

I am not working on any new certifications at the moment, but I feel fortunate to work at American Flyers, and I look forward to a future with the airlines. The best part of American Flyers is the dedicated and cohesive team we have at Scottsdale. I believe a focus on the unique needs of each student drives success, and my favorite part of being an instructor is when I see a student’s eyes light up when they nail a difficult maneuver or catch on to a confusing subject. 

Name: Davis Kahler
CFI Location: Addison, TX – South (ADS)

At American Flyers, the vibe is incredible, staff and students are welcoming and fun, and there’s always something to look forward to at work. For instance, I love seeing new pilots nail a landing for the first time! The look on their faces is priceless when it happens. I’m not currently working on any new certifications, but I plan to eventually get my ATP certification. My ultimate goal is to fly for the airlines and have the opportunity to travel internationally and explore the world.

Name: Mike Pedroza
CFI Location: Pompano Beach, FL

My favorite part of training new pilots is the “Aha!” moment when the feedback I am giving during our session clicks, and they are able to understand the ground lesson or perform the maneuver to standards. The look of joy on their faces makes it all that much more rewarding! Working for American Flyers, everyone is friendly, easygoing, and always willing to help out. Eventually, I would like to work for a legacy airline or cargo carrier flying across the world. While I’m not working on any certifications at the moment, I plan to obtain my commercial multi-engine rating in the coming months and possibly my multi-engine instructor rating after that!