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Daniel Cutting

Flight Training Testimonials

Daniel Cutting’s life is going through a series of positive transitions. In August 2007 he graduated from Georgia State University and later that same month he began flight training from zero and is now days away from beginning a new career as a flight instructor. On May 24th he’ll be marrying Laura, the girl of his dreams.

Always having loved airplanes Daniel was very lucky in high school. His older brother Jamal was a flight instructor and would take him flying. Daniel knew this was what he wanted to do as a career. Jamal is now a captain with a regional airline.

“I underestimated how much ground knowledge there would be to learn,” he says. “It’s hard work to do all the studying, but it’s the most gratifying feeling.”

His first solo stands out as the most memorable moment of his training. “The instructor got out of the airplane and as I was rolling down the runway, I realized the only way this is coming out safely is if I do it right!” So he did it right and hasn’t stopped since.

Daniel C.