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Looking Forward to Flying in the Fall

Looking Forward to Flying in the Fall

Fall is my favorite time of the year. From the leaves changing color to the crispness in the air, fall provides wonderful opportunities for those who want to take advantage of all that autumn has to offer. For pilots, it is an amazing opportunity to catch a glimpse of fall’s raw beauty – from the air.

Fall comes in many different forms all around the United States. For those up north, you get to see the colors change. For those in the south, you don’t have as dramatic a color change, but you do experience a drastic change in temperature (a welcome relief from the hot and humid summer). Regardless of your location, you can always find a beautiful fall destination.

As you can tell, I’m excited about the fall season and I’m excited for you to read this edition of The Pilot’s Digest. It is packed with educational and informative articles. Did you know that we have been publishing our newsletter for over twenty-five years? We do it because we want to ensure the aviation community has access to a magazine that is all about flight training and other relevant content.

We have a wonderful cadre of authors who volunteer their time to write articles that mean something to our readers. For starters, we have an incredible article about finishing up your training. Did you know, over half our students come to us with previous flight experience? For whatever reason, they were not able to finish their training where they began, and they come to us to get it done. We have worked with thousands of people to finish what they started. If you’re someone who started your flight training but hasn’t yet finished, for whatever reason, call us. We can help you!

We also have another wonderful article written by the chairman of our National Safety Board, Dr. Michael Bliss. Dr. Bliss is going to give us tips for the perfect crosswind landing. For those of you that fly out of airports with multiple runways, you might not be exposed to a lot of crosswind landings. But, for those of you that fly out of airports with only one runway, you don’t have a choice! I would encourage all our readers to find opportunities to practice safe crosswind landings. They can be challenging, but practicing crosswind landings will make you a better pilot. Before you get out there and challenge yourself, read Dr. Bliss’s article. You won’t be disappointed!

We have other great articles written by our National Chief Pilot, Steven Daun, and our National Director of Maintenance, Rick Farmer. These two gentlemen have over sixty years of aviation experience between them. Their articles are always well written and informative.

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